Select a business you have access to.

Once you have created your business account, you will be able to select that business and act on their name. You can also grant granular access to other admins or collaborators.

Business Selection Tool.

There are two ways to get access to a business account. Either by creating a business account yourself (Primary Contact) or being added by an admin/primary contact to a business account.

You can see the business you have access either by visiting our Business Selection Page or by selecting your business from your account's navigation dropdown.

Once you select a business, you might note that a few things are different. For example, your account's navigation dropdown now displays the name of your business. You will see a menu for your conversations with other currently active users within that business. You'll see your business notifications and your user interface will adapt to your business' cart country and exchange rate preferences.

Return to your tenant to act on your behalf.

To return to your Alliance ID Tenant you actually have 3 options.

Last updated